Check Out the Awesome: WEG

The Teepee is the Teacher
“The rope knows what to do.”
“The poles know where they need to go.”
“The wind will remind you that you need to listen.”
“The teepee will teach you, but sometimes it is really hard for our colonized minds to learn in this way”
This is a sample of some of the knowledge and teachings that has been shared by Elder and Teepee Maker Tony Solomon that was passed on to WE Graham students as they put up the school’s new Anishinaabe style Teepee this autumn.
Students have been learning Teepee protocols shared by Tony and have been using the Teepee as part of their regular class and play times.
Seeing the Teepee up in the school yard prompted one of the students’ moms to stop by and share stories of how her family traditionally used tipis in her home territory – including how the poles were transported by dogs.
Another community member stopped by the school to share how every time he sees the teepee it makes him feel “really good.”
The Teepee is the teacher – and students, staff and community are listening and learning.